Two Good Links


Yesterday I had vague ideas of polishing off a blog post draft to post today, but instead after work I spent the afternoon watching CNN and falling into a larger and larger hole of despair as they played the video of President Obama and He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named (on this blog anyway), sitting next to each other in the Oval Office – an image that truly sickened me. Instead of writing the blog post I meant to write for today, or doing anything, I just wound up falling asleep.

 I don’t have an essay to write about the horrid results of the election, and I don’t have a message of hope – I haven’t moved on from grief, anger, and despair to feeling hopeful, yet. At all. What I do have are two quick reads to share that I’ve found helpful, and perhaps like-minded people might find helpful as well.
Ten-Step Program for Adjusting to President-Elect Trump: This short article struck the perfect tone – acknowledging the horror and despair, but with the sardonic humor that I desperately needed. It was the first thing I’ve read regarding this mess that actually made me laugh.
Lena Dunham’s reaction piece captured the heartbreak and disbelief: “Because as horrifying as I found Donald Trump’s rhetoric, as hideous as I found his racism and xenophobia, as threatening to basic decency as I found his demagogue persona, I never truly believed he could win.” Same, Lena. Same.
Wish I had some better things to say but I’m still feeling scattered, scared, shellshocked, and confused, honestly. Thanks, as always, for reading. xoxo

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  1. Kim wrote:

    My family is also feeling scared and shell shocked. We watched election night with our kids and reassured them when he pulled ahead it would only be for a little while until polls closed here on the west coast. The next morning we had to tell them he won. It was horrible.

    Published 11.11.16 · Reply
    • York Avenue wrote:

      Kim, can’t imagine what it would be like to try to explain this to kids…it’s heartbreaking to see someone who is everything one would teach a child NOT to be, attain the highest position in the country. I only hope that kids understand they should not look to him as an example.

      Published 11.13.16 · Reply
  2. Marine wrote:

    I wish you a lot of strength, my dear Jackie. I believe only art and beauty will make us overcome this dreadful moment.
    As a Frenchwoman, now I’m praying with all my heart for the far-right movement not to gain any vote either, but elections are in April and the situation is pretty tense too… :/

    Published 11.12.16 · Reply
    • York Avenue wrote:

      Thank you Marine…saw that in the paper about France. I can only hope it turns out okay for you guys!

      Published 11.13.16 · Reply
  3. Katie wrote:

    Thank you for this. I feel the exact same way; repulsed and unproductive, and it’s refreshing to see it acknowledged straightforwardly on a blog.

    Published 11.12.16 · Reply
    • York Avenue wrote:

      You’re welcome Katie. I know it’s helped me to see this acknowledged and written about on the blogs I follow – it helps to know that we’re not experiencing this alone.

      Published 11.13.16 · Reply
  4. Ahirini wrote:

    First of all – Hugs! I have been intermittently crying, getting mad and calling my family as I want them to assure me that I won’t get killed on the Upper East Side. Hillary’s speech still brings me to tears. I am scared, and I don’t think I will ever come to terms with the result. I feel like the nightmare will never end and all these messages of hope are not really enough in the face of the true atrocity he might unleash.
    And I am really disgusted by other women bloggers who actually voted for him and now saying how unfair we are being to them! It’s sickening!

    Published 11.12.16 · Reply
    • Carol wrote:

      I really enjoyed reading this blog until now. I for one, am so tired of everyone commenting and expressing anger towards our newly elected president.

      We are all so lucky to live in a country where we can say what we want. All I read these responses, it makes me feel more and more each day that if people bare this unhappy then by all means leave. You have the right to leave.

      Do I think Donald Trump hates women? No, I do not. In retrospect, let’s look at Bill Clinton and how he received oral sex from an intern. Does everyone remember that? He disgraced his wife and this country as far as I am concerned.

      I think all of you need to give him a chance. Maybe you should ready his 100 day plan. I for one, am looking forward to getting more money in my paycheck that so many of us depend on. Which brings to me a thought regarding a family member. He worked in construction, for the same company for 30 years. He lost his job to illegal workers. Why? Because they can be paid next to nothing and they in fact take money away from American workers. Is this fair? I should say not. I come from an immigrant family that came to this county with the clothes on their back. They went through the necessary channels and became citizens.

      For all of you bleeding hearts, I say once again, “if you don’t like it then leave.” All this nonsense about being horrified and sickened by this man is awful. It’s only natural creating more anger.

      I wasn’t happy Mr. Obama was elected but I didn’t take my angst and go to the streets in protest and even dare say any woman (i.e. ms. trump) should be raped. Shame on all of you.

      This weekend I witnessed hatred as one man called me a white b****. If this was reversed I would have started a riot in the streets. In the end, this white ***** is tired of carrying the lazy loads out there. I work 60+ hours a week and do my fair share. Pick yourselves up and do your fair share like our ancestors.

      I will miss reading your blog, Jackie. You have lost a loyal reader along with many others.

      Published 11.13.16 · Reply
      • York Avenue wrote:

        Number one, Carol, totally respect you not reading anymore, and that’s perfectly fine. I personally wouldn’t want to read the blog of anyone who supported Donald Trump, so I’m totally behind you on that.

        Number two, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are two separate people. Whatever Bill did has no bearing on who Donald Trump is – two totally separate and unrelated issues. Trump was running against Hillary Clinton, not Bill Clinton.

        Number three, hey, you may be right about illegal workers taking jobs from American workers. But Donald Trump employs illegal workers for his businesses and has his company’s products manufactured overseas where it’s cheaper – so you picked the wrong man to help you out on that score.

        Number four: of course you didn’t take your hatred of Obama out on the streets and protest. Why would you – he’s not the candidate you wanted, but he’s not a racist, sexist, woman assaulter. We’re not protesting or getting upset because our candidate lost. We’re upset that a bigot is in the White House. I (obviously) never said Mrs. Trump should be raped, nor have I heard any Democrat say that. If anyone did, that’s clearly a terrible thing to say.

        Luckily this isn’t my job so I don’t have to worry about censoring myself – I appreciate all of my readers, but if I lose some for speaking out against what I (and many) see as a dangerous travesty, it’s not really a problem to my life. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

        Published 11.13.16 · Reply
        • Lori wrote:

          Love this response!

          As someone observing from north of the border, I agree wholeheartedly. This is not a normal year- I highly doubt so many of us would have been reduced to tears if Mitt Romney or John McCain won. This year’s candidate was different.

          If you haven’t seen John Oliver’s show from Nov 13, can’t recommend it enough.

          Published 11.15.16 · Reply
          • York Avenue wrote:

            Thank you Lori! I did see the John Oliver episode (obsessed with him), and loved it so much. It really inspired me to start supporting the organizations that he mentioned, starting with Planned Parenthood!

            Published 11.20.16 ·
      • Sarah wrote:

        people cannot be illegal.

        Published 12.10.16 · Reply
    • York Avenue wrote:

      Ahirini – thank you for your comment. I know it seems hopeless and I’m scared too, but as my Mom reminded me, in two years we’ll probably get the House and Senate back for Democrats and hopefully that will help. I can’t fathom that women voted for him – truly, I cannot. I have no words for that.

      Published 11.13.16 · Reply
  5. Robin wrote:

    Thank you for posting this and taking a stand. I unfollowed a blog that I really enjoyed because the blogger didn’t even mention the election, the results, the pain, the despair, the embarassment, the terror. Just went along sending links to more items to buy. I’m feeling really shell shocked right now, like a lot of people are. I live in the Bay Area, California. Even here racism is rearing its ugly head. And just read an article on HuffPo about how badly he will screw up the environment. Too devastating for words.

    Published 11.12.16 · Reply
    • York Avenue wrote:

      Yes, I’m finding it hard to respect bloggers right now who didn’t mention the election – it’s so momentous, so awful, people at work were likening it to JFK’s assassination and 9/11…how could one not mention it and just go about fluffy business as usual? Trying not to judge but it’s hard. I get that people don’t want to be contentious but sometimes you need to take a stand – this situation is different and I don’t think you can just stick your head in the sand. I don’t know, to each their own I guess.

      Published 11.13.16 · Reply
  6. Sofie wrote:

    Thank you for writing this post. So many of us are grieving right now and it’s important that the feelings of fear, sadness, and shock that have gripped our country aren’t glossed over on blogs. The next four years are going to be hard to swallow and I hope that you continue to voice your opinion. I have a lot of respect for everyone who is using their platform to tell it like it is, even if that means losing a few followers along the way.

    Published 11.13.16 · Reply
    • York Avenue wrote:

      I appreciate that so much Sofie. I agree and respect others that are sharing their opinions on this!

      Published 11.20.16 · Reply
  7. Thank you for sharing Jackie. Virtual hug. xo

    Published 11.14.16 · Reply
    • York Avenue wrote:

      Same to you Susan! xo

      Published 11.20.16 · Reply