image source: Paris in Four Months
I’m bursting with excitement because (drum roll, please)…I’m going to London AND Paris for the first time this fall!!! Words can hardly express how very psyched I am (I need like, a hundred heart eye emojis). I’m going with three of my friends from work at the end of October. We’ll be staying at The Bailey’s Hotel in South Kensington, then taking the Eurostar to Paris (not sure yet where we’ll be staying there).
I’ve never been to Europe, and I’ve been dying to go to London for quite some time now. For some reason I’m even more excited for that than I am for Paris! I’m going to be a total tourist and hightail it right over to Notting Hill and Chelsea, which seem to be the most adorable and charming neighborhoods ever. I can’t wait to photograph the pastel colored houses! That feels like quintessential London to me, and nothing gets me more excited than the thought of having a new and entirely different place to photograph.
We have about five days in London (I assume I’ll be losing some hours to jet lag) and three in Paris, and right now we’re brainstorming ideas for what to do. If anybody has any recommendations, please share! And also if anyone follows any great London or Paris bloggers or Instagrammers, please let me know as I’d love to follow along and pick up recs that way as well. Here are a few items on my agenda thus far:
image source: Angry Baker instagram
Checking out the colorful houses in Notting Hill and Chelsea.
Tea and/or a meal at Sketch London (can you even believe how gorgeous this place is?!)
image source: The Fabulous Times
Persephone Books, this super cute bookshop that reprints works by mainly female writers.
Afternoon tea at Fortnum and Mason (or Claridge’s…or if anyone has any recs, let me know!)
Hampton Court Palace (possibly).
image source: Angry Baker instagram
Pentreath and Hall, a decor shop on Rugby Street.
The Mae Deli by Deliciously Ella, for healthy eats.
We’re also thinking of visiting The Tower of London, The London Eye, and Buckingham Palace, as well as taking a day tour out to Stonehenge, Bath, and Windsor Castle. Perhaps also the Victoria and Albert Museum or The British Museum.
I seriously get the shivers thinking about it…I just know I’m going to love London.
And then, Paris in the fall:
image source ?
We haven’t started planning much for Paris yet, but this guide seems to have some good spots (and incredible photography). I’ll post some of my wish-list itinerary for Paris soon. Again, any and all recommendations for both cities would be so welcome!
So, so excited for you!! Both places are lovely, but I’m actually partial to London (though I haven’t been since I was 9…but remember everything, oddly enough). Sounds like you have some great ideas…check out Supal’s Instagram (she writes Chevron & Eclairs) and tell her I sent ya! She moved there and has great restaurant recs
I will head over there now, thanks Monica!
You should be getting shivers. As a reader, I’m getting excited for you!! *emoji with big eyes and too big of a smile*
You’re so sweet, thank you!
We were in both cities last August with a similar amount of time you have and also took the Eurostar from London to Paris (so easy, so fast). Both cities are great and ooze charm. I had the best burger of my life at Honest Burger (a Goop recommendation). London was very chilly even in August. I recommend buying a Tube pass at the airport when you arrive to save money. Also if you do the London Eye, buy the tickets ahead of time on line. We went to Baileys Fish and Chips for wonderful fish, chips and mushy peas. If you go, split a plate because it’s huge. What’s great about it too is you get away from the tourists and crowds (London was very crowded), but it’s in a charming area. Have fun!
Buy a Tube pass at the airport and buy London Eye tickets ahead of time…thank you! Adding these to my reminder list!
Victoria & Albert was my favorite museum in London. I think you would love it.
If you only have one day trip out of London, please make it Bath. It was my absolute favorite day of my trip to London in January. The train ride is easy. Walk to the baths and do the tour, hit up The Raven Pub for a pie lunch, go to the Fashion Museum and round out the day with afternoon tea at The Pump Room. You won’t be disappointed.
Also, Aspiring Kennedy has the best London recommendations!
Yes, I have heard great things about Bath. Fashion Museum…that sounds right up my alley! Thank you!
Oh, my goodness…..!!!! Je parle un peu francais, and I would love to be able to practice in France itself =)
I hope you have a wonderful trip!
Bon Voyage–
Megan @
Thanks Megan! I need to brush up on my French before we go
You are going to LOVE England! I always plan a trip to Fortnum and Mason when I’m over there
Go hungry!
I’m pretty much always hungry so that will not be a problem
London is one of my favorite cities!!!! Try to catch a play at The Globe, the original theatre where Shakespeare’s plays were performed during his time.
I heard that sometimes you can catch plays in London before they hit Broadway, so we’re definitely going to look into that! Thanks!
A blog I think you would enjoy before your trip is Lots of beautiful pictures and visiting ideas for London, where she lives.
Enjoy every minute of your trip.
Will definitely check out her blog, thank you for the rec!
Ok so just clicked over, her header is adorable and the first page has her holding a box of macarons. I’m sold
That is so exciting!!! I’ve never been to Europe either and I am thinking of planning a trip to London next October so I can’t wait to hear all about your trip.
Thanks Krystal!
My favorite places to walk around in Paris are the Marais and Montmartre. Incredibly charming streets and cute shops. The gelato (love the mocha flavor) from Berthillion is a must try – it definitely lived up to the hype! The hop on hop off buses are so touristy but they offer a good way to see the sights and get around, although I have to say the the subway is actually quite fast and reliable in Paris (unlike here in NYC!) You’re going to have an amazing time! So excited for you!
Yes, I’ve been researching and the Marais, Montmartre, and St. Germain seem like great neighborhoods to walk around. I’m so excited, thank you!!
You obviously have to go to the Laduree store! I hope you have a great time, I got to travel to both of those cities when I was studying abroad and had a blast. Also, I’m a longtime reader of your blog and just started my own, would love for you to check it out (I gave you a shoutout in my first book roundup since I love those posts of yours!)
YES on Laduree! So excited for that. Thanks for the shout-out in your post, can’t wait to check it out! xoxo
London is my favorite place on earth. The markets are fantastic. Definitely hit up Borough Market!! Most of the museums are free so you can go in and out as you please. I highly recommend the Tate Modern. If you’re over by Buckingham Palace make sure to check out the pelicans in St. James Park, they are hysterical!
I forgot museums are free…that is awesome because I’m hoping to check out a few – the British Museum, the Tate Modern, and the V&A (without spending all day in any of them). I’ve heard the markets are amazing, will definitely add Borough Market to the list. Thank you!
Jackie I’m so happy for you! You’ll have a great time for sure! I have quite a lot of good tips and addresses for you in Paris, don’t hesitate to send me a direct email and I’ll send you a thorough response. Now I have a limited internet access but I’ll make sure to respond to you ?
Thank you so much! Will email you soon, I know you will have great recommendations
DEFINITELY do tea at the Wollesley. Go to Fortnum and Mason, but tea at the Wollesley is better. All of the museums are free and the Victoria and Albert exhibit might still be up at the Kensington Palace which would be fun to check out. If you’re going to the Tower, go early so you don’t have to wait in line to see the crown jewels. SoHo is a great little shopping area and tons of great eats too! Have so much fun!!!
The Wollesley looks gorgeous, thank you! Good tip about the Tower, we’ll need to be early risers (uh-oh, not my strong suit :).
London: Do tea at Brown’s Hotel….it’s the best, but need a reservation. British Museum and the V&A are tops. If you go to the Tate Modern, have a coffee or lunch in their restaurant with a fabulous view. Totally skip Harrod’s. Fortnum & Mason Food Hall is great. See a play or musical; there is a Tkts booth in Leicester Square. Liberty’s of London dept store is lovely and great spot for gifts/soveniers.
Paris: David Lebovitz has the best Paris blog for food and living there. This week he did a post on a market that isn’t to be missed. I’ve gotten lots of great ideas for restaurants from his blog as well. Definitely get a metro pass, which works for both subway and buses. Riding the bus lets you see so much more of the city. There can be very long walks underground if transferring stations on the metro. If only there 3 days decide beforehand what is important to see. You could spend all 3 days just in the Louvre! Get a hotel on the side of the Seine where you expect to spend the most time. Walking through the gardens in Oct will be beautiful. Most people want to go to Le Printemps for shopping, but I love Le Bon Marchè on the left bank. Great place to get picnic fixings and head on out to a park. Montmartre is fantastic. Walk down from the Sacre Coeur and enjoy the villag atmosphere.. There is a vineyard there too. “Paris is always a good idea!”
Brown’s Hotel looks charming, thank you! Definitely looking forward to Liberty of London. I read one of David Liebovitz’s books and enjoyed it so will check out his blog for sure. Great tip about the bus! Did not think about the aspect of taking in the city while on it – really good point. I appreciate your tips..getting even more excited! xo
Paris is my favorite place on earth and I would suggest staying at the Villa Madame, 44 Rue Madame in the 6th Arondissment – St. Germain de Pres. It is a 4-star boutique hotel and just lovely. Be sure to sit out in the cout yard garden if it is not too cold by then. I think you will like this hotel in particular because the main reception area is like your sitting in a beautiful library in someone’s home as there are lots of books and they seem to have this fashion theme going on with beautiful purses and accessories in display cases that can actually be purchased, although they are very expensive. I will be going to London, and then back to Paris for a couple of days the last two weeks of March. This will be my first trip to London as well and I’m just as excited as you are. Just a word of caution, hotel rooms, even in the nicest hotels, are all smaller in Europe than what we are accustomed to here in the states.
Villa Madame looks so lovely! Thank you for the recommendation and the heads-up on the small hotel rooms. Luckily I am used to small spaces, living in NYC :).
I can’t wait for you to go and return. You can give me lots of pointers of where to go in London. Your tastes are very similar to mine.
Can’t wait to share!
Jackie, your blog about NYC is just great! My fave blogs about Paris are Paris Perfect and Distant Francophile. Lots of great ideas for visiting Paris on both those blogs which are very different from each other, but both enjoyable and useful info. Enjoy the gorgeous pix of the beautiful Paris Perfect apartments!
You will have such a wonderful time! Follow Lauren at Aspiring Kennedy for the most perfect recs for both places. She was my study abroad coordinator for Paris (and London) and always find the hidden gems.
I saw that you will be traveling to Paris in the Autumn. If you haven’t left yet I am happy to give advice. I will be there starting October 15th. But this will my 4th trip to Paris in the Autumn and its so beautiful. You will love it!
Safe travels!
I would love some advice! I’m a big fan of your Instagram so I feel like I’ve already gotten some from you
Can’t wait to read about your adventures and see all your instagram posts! Have a FABULOUS trip!!!!!