Hey guys. I had a post and a fun announcement planned for today, but it just doesn’t seem important in light of last night’s events in Nice. I am so. So. Sad, and disgusted by what is happening in our world. It seems that a horrific attack happens now every day, and though this blog is meant to be a happy and lighthearted place, as many blogs are…it just doesn’t seem right right now. There are no words. My heart goes out to the people of Nice, and France…the people of the next city, and the next.
Thank you Jacquie. I’m so heartbroken, again.
It’s hard, so hard. I learnt it a few hours ago and my eyes are still full of tears. Let’s mourn now, we’ll be strong later.
I can’t get why those maniacs are attacking families who were just happy to be together. I just want this to be over.
Those celebrations happen everywhere, people dance, eat ice creams, kids play… I’m so fed up of saying “it will never be the same”.
Thanks for this post. I think it is very important that we not just gloss over the terrible things that happen.
As far as the fact that more terrible things are happening, we live in a broken world, that doesn’t recognize that the only fix is to acknowledge that God is in control and He is Lord.
Megan @ http://www.blingelegance.wordpress.com
thank you for acknowledging this awful fact. my heart is heavy.
There are no words that can adequately describe or explain such an atrocity. May G-d provide comfort to those who grieve.