Hello! As you might know if you follow me on Instagram, I got back from Paris last Wednesday, finished packing up my apartment Thursday and Friday, and then moved on Saturday. I have soooo much I want to update you all on and post about – Paris pics like the one above, the new apartment, my plans for the space…etc. Only one problem: I am wiped. Out. The move went great (my movers were incredible, definitely email me if you’re looking for movers in NYC) and I’m pretty much all settled in, but dang, it was more exhausting than I thought it would be. Promise I’ll get back to regular posting very soon. In the meantime make sure you’re following over on Insta – I’ll be sharing some apartment peeks over there!
Thanks for reading, as always 🙂 xoxo
Jackie, check out this link. When I saw this, I just called your name to me. It comes in various colors and configurations. Maybe nice to add to your new apartment???