Category: Organization
Organizing Tip of the Day: Fifteen Minutes vs. “Power Hour”
I recently finished reading Gretchen Rubin’s Happier at Home, and I thought it made some thought-provoking points. Of course, I found some helpful insights in the “Possessions”…
Organizing Tip of the Day: A Few Inspiring Links
“Life truly begins only after you have put your house in order,” says Marie Kondo. Perhaps a bit of an over-the-top perspective, but I wouldn’t…
Organizing Tip of the Day: How to Organize and Style Magazines
When it comes to magazines in the home, they can go one of two ways: chic and cool, or a big cluttered mess. You need…
Organizing Tip of the Day: Five Things You Can Do in Five Minutes or Less
For me, staying organized is partly about constant maintenance. It sounds burdensome, but it’s actually more a matter of accomplishing quick, small tasks that create maximum effect…
Organizing Tip of the Day: Work in a Circle
For my first post of this new series, I want to start with a general organization and cleaning tip that I seriously love and naturally wind…