I think this quote is so true. It’s important to find out what you love, what you enjoy, and what you’re passionate about. It’s a great feeling to have a hobby (or job) that truly absorbs you; when you’re doing it, you’re fully engrossed by it, the time flies by, and your mind is completely and pleasantly occupied with it. For me that’s always been reading, but ever since I started blogging again (and this might sound silly, but it’s true), it’s been that. Working on the blog, to me, is fun – it absorbs my mind and fully interests me. When I’m blogging my mind is totally focused on that one task (whatever it may be – writing, editing pictures, figuring out some coding issue), and it’s a good feeling. I’m starting to feel that way about photography as well, although at times it’s a frustrating hobby because I’ve not yet mastered it!
Do you guys have any hobbies that you find completely absorbing? Do you think it’s an important thing to have?
I totally agree. Photography is a fun yet challenging hobby to grab a hold of! You take great photos. Have a lovely weekend! XO
Thank you Hollis! You're so sweet. Hope you had a great weekend too!
I love this! I have two main hobbies- cooking and volleyball! Both make me feel so happy and I become completely engulfed when I cook/bake or play volleyball.
That's so awesome Bhreagh, especially that one of your hobbies is a physical activity. I have a hard time finding any exercise that I enjoy (besides walking, haha), so that is definitely a good and healthy hobby!
Love that Inslee sketch. And I completely agree – photography is one of those hobbies I enjoy so very much, but still have so much room to learn!
CoverGirl + Converse
I totally agree! I really love blogging too, and I'm afraid that I get really pulled in by a good book. Have a lovely weekend and that illustration is so chic!
I love making things- recipes, crafts, anything! And reading of course 🙂
That's great Holly! I wish I were more crafty 🙂
I love this quote and I feel the exact same way about blogging! It has opened up so many doors for me and I am so passionate about it!
Prep on a Budget
This is such an inspiring quote & so true at the same time… When you find something that you feel passionately about, working for it makes it fun & interesting as well as never tiring…
Have a great weekend!!!
xoxo Violeta, your Shoegal Out In The World
I love your blog so much! So glad that I found it. I just started following, but I can't wait to see future posts from you 🙂