A new Gretchen Rubin! I’ve been a fan of hers since The Happiness Project and I guess it’s safe to say I’ll pretty much read anything she writes. Decluttering is a hot topic right now, obviously, but it’s one that she’s talked about all the way back to her first book so it doesn’t feel like she’s just jumping on the bandwagon. I completely agree with her that outer order helps create inner calm, so I’ll be interested to read about her approach to decluttering! out now
Even though the last two books I read of Peter Swanson’s weren’t my cup of tea, I loved his first one SO MUCH that I’m not ready to give up on him! This will probably be my next Audible download. Like all of his books it’s a psychological thriller, about a woman named Hen who has reason to suspect her neighbor might be a murderer. out now

Lisa See is a great historical fiction writer – I read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane and enjoyed them both. Her newest takes place over a period of decades and focuses on female divers on the Korean island of Jeju. Her books are beautifully written and full of details – I always learn something and feel transported to a world I knew nothing about. I can only imagine how much research goes into them! out now
Leigh and Pete are both divorced and happily remarried to each other, each with a child from the previous marriage. They’re out one night when they get frantic calls that Pete’s son Kip has been arrested and charged with drunk driving and involuntary manslaughter – of Leigh’s daughter. This book is being compared to Celeste Ng’s Little Fires Everywhere so I’m very intrigued! out now

I read Lolly Winston’s first book, Good Grief, about a million years ago and remember really liking it. This one is about a widower named Rudy who is piecing his life back together after the death of his wife, when suddenly a coworker confesses to her murder. The police then start looking into Rudy as well, which complicates his budding relationship with a friend at work. I think of Lolly Winston’s writing as sort of warm and cozy I’m looking forward to this! out tomorrow
I read Erin Kelly’s first book The Poison Tree and remember enjoying it, so I’m not sure why I’ve never read any of her other stuff but this one sounds really good. The main character is Marianne, who ran away from her home, her boyfriend Jesse, and the body they buried (dun, dun, dun!)…but forced to return home 30 years later to care for her ailing mother, she finds Jesse angry and threatening to reveal the truth. Marianne has built a new life and will do anything to keep her husband and daughter from learning the truth. Sounds like a page turner! April

The Power of Sprinkles: A Cake Book by the Founder of Flour Shop
I had to include this because OMG LOOK HOW PRETTY! Flour Shop is an adorable bakery here in NYC that makes those amazing rainbow cakes you’ve probably seen on Instagram, where when you cut it open candy comes spilling out. Clearly I will never make one of those cakes but it doesn’t stop me from wanting this book because RAINBOWS. And CAKE! April
This novel is being called darkly funny and drawing comparisons to Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, so color me intrigued as I really liked that book. Richard works at a thankless job where, due to a longstanding misunderstanding, his coworkers believe him to be happily married with kids (he’s not). When a new employee comes into the office and throws Richard for a loop, will he risk everything for a chance at love? May

New Fiona Davis! Her books are fun historical fiction based around NYC history, which I obviously love. This one is all about 1950s New York and takes place in the iconic Chelsea Hotel, centering around the entertainment industry and specifically the world of Broadway plays during the McCarthy era. Her books are light and easy reads, and the historical aspect is always interesting. July
Cristina Alger wrote The Darlings, a book I really liked, so I was intrigued to see she has a new one coming out (I also heard her latest book, The Bankers Wife, was really good so that’s on my list as well!). This book takes place in Suffolk County, which is actually where I grew up, so that’s kind of funny! It’s about an FBI Agent who finds herself embroiled in a murder investigation that may implicate her father. Cristina Alger is a really good writer in addition to being able to craft an engrossing plot, so I’m excited to read more from her. July

New Stephen King! Kids with special powers like telekinesis and telepathy are gathered up and taken to “The Institute,” where teachers try to extract their powers and kids routinely disappear. I mean, what else is there to say? It’s Stephen King, I don’t need to sell anyone on it! He’s the best. Kinda getting Carrie vibes from this because of the telekinesis aspect but also sort of Harry Potter-ish vibes too. I think it’s going to be really good! September
A follow-up to The Handmaids Tale after all these years! I have to think it probably has a lot to do with the success of the show and Atwood herself being so involved with the making of it. I’m so curious to see where it will pick up and if it will mirror the show, or be totally different? Anyway I’m sure there will be tons of buzz! September
Four Home and Design Books I Can’t Wait For:

Do you guys follow The Home Edit on Instagram? They’re an organizing service and they create these really swoon-worthy systems that are as pretty to look at as they are (I would assume!) functional and helpful. They’ve worked with Gwyneth, Reese, Eva Chen, etc. I love organizing so I’m looking forward to learning more from them. March 19
I’m soooo excited for Erin Gates’ new book! I loved her first book – it was such a great mix of design advice, inspiring interiors, and personal essays with Erin’s signature voice and wit, so I know I’m going to enjoy this one just as much. Here she’ll be focusing more on decorating with kids which is totally irrelevant to me but I still know I’m going to read it cover to cover! April

Also SO excited for another coffee table book from Rebecca Atwood! And this one is all about color, which thrills me. I’m such a huge fan of Rebecca’s textiles and I’m really excited to read about her philosophy on color mixing and decorating with color. She has such a great eye and I think the book is going to be filled with lots of beautiful interiors as well. August
Down to Earth: Laid-Back Interiors for Modern Living
Ok, again could NOT be more excited for another follow-up from another favorite, Lauren Liess. Lauren’s first book Habitat: A Field Guide to Decorating is a must for any design lovers’ library, and I’m so glad she’s back with another. I’m psyched to see what new projects she’ll be including in this book, and to learn more from her – in addition to being a wildly talented designer, she’s also an excellent design writer. I learned so much from her first book and it’s going to be great to get more design insight from Lauren – she’s so talented!