Moments From My Week

photo from my Instagram

Far and away, the highlight of this week came last night when I delivered a set of photos from a shoot last weekend to a happy client. A lovely longtime blog reader recently reached out and asked me to photograph her daughter’s first birthday cake smash (it was basically THE cutest thing ever), and when I sent the photos over she was thrilled! I’m so, so happy that she and her husband chose me to capture that special memory for their family and that they were so happy with the results! Seriously filled me with all the happy feelings.

One more highlight of this week was the snow “squall” (new word I learned – I was calling it a flash snowstorm in my head 🙂 in NYC. We’ve waited all winter for some snow and though it was brief, it was certainly fun while it lasted!


Happy Valentines Day to me! I semi-collect Ladurée macaron boxes (if you’ve followed for a while you’re likely familiar with my obsession), and though I try not to get every box, I simply couldn’t resist this one. It’s the MOST beautiful, with the big three-dimensional rose on top and the little writing inside…so pretty.


I picked up on Bad Blood after a rec from my friend Sarah, and it is SO good. I can’t remember the last time I blew through a book so quickly, let alone a non-fiction book. The story of the rise and fall of Theranos is fascinating (and it’s so well-written).

Home Decor

Aside from the good things I mentioned above, this week kinda sucked, not gonna lie…work stuff, personal stuff, the bone-chilling deep freeze…enter, retail therapy! While I was walking home from my snowy excursion on Wednesday I passed Diptyque on Madison and scoped out their newly released rose candles for Valentines Day – Damascena (roses and honey), and Centifolia (roses and grass). I couldn’t decide between them so I bought the small set of two. Nothin like a little treat to cheer up the bleak weeks of January!

This weekend I have a fun photography project in Brooklyn and then plan on doing a whole lot of hibernating. Hope you’re all staying warm!

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  1. That’s the book I’m most excited to read. I have a hold for it at the library… but I think I’m going to just go ahead and buy it because I can’t wait!

    Published 2.1.19 · Reply
    • York Avenue wrote:

      Yes it’s such a page turner! An unbelievable story.

      Published 2.4.19 · Reply
  2. Monica wrote:

    That box is soooo cute! I need to see your collection in person IRL…I feel like it’s Laudrée museum-worthy status.

    Published 2.1.19 · Reply
    • York Avenue wrote:

      Haha 😆. I wish I had a way of displaying them all, they’re seriously so pretty!

      Published 2.4.19 · Reply
  3. I love Laudree boxes, too! That one is ADORABLE. Perhaps I’ll take a trip to Soho this weekend to pick it up, haha. Have a lovely weekend!

    Published 2.1.19 · Reply
    • York Avenue wrote:

      This is definitely one you gotta get! Hope you had a great weekend Diana!

      Published 2.4.19 · Reply