Minnie Mortimer’s bookshelves have been numero uno in my inspiration file ever since I first laid eyes on them. They just kill me. It is my single biggest interior design goal to one day have a home library very similar to this. Whenever I buy another new book that I do NOT need because I already have roughly a million waiting to be read, I think in the back of my mind of these bookshelves, and of how someday I MUST have them, and when that day comes how I better be prepared with books to fill them! And then I am justified in spending more money and accruing more books. Because one day I will have wall to wall, floor to ceiling bookshelves, crammed with books.
And those chairs with the pink cushions would NOT be unwelcome in my library. Just sayin’.
Photos: Matchbook Mag & APT with LSD via Pinterest
Great room! There is what looks like and Oscar in those bookshelves.
Fantastic bookshelves and you're so right, so utterly unique to each of us.
I don't know who she is, I'l have to google her – I'm in Scotland.
Oooh Scotland! That's awesome I've always wanted to go there. She's a clothing designer, makes some really nice stuff!
Yay Scotland 🙂 You could have come with me.
Love the shelves (can we do that to my living room??? Seriously!)
Love her plaid shirt too – tres chic.