How Do You Make Your Coffee?

Lately I’ve been thinking I should really learn about a new and better way to make coffee at home. There are a lot of different methods: a drip coffeemaker, percolator, French press, cold-brewer, the vacuum coffee maker. For someone like me who basically needs a coffee IV in order to even get out of bed in the morning, it’s pretty shameful to admit that I still have a drip coffee maker. Shameful only because drip coffee is most definitely not the best method for getting amazing coffee-in fact, it makes pretty meh coffee. I haven’t switched to a different method because I don’t know which one I should switch to, and all of the various contraptions kind of confuse me. Clearly, research is warranted! What’s held me back is that I feel like coffee is like wine, in that there are so many factors and so much science that goes into making the perfect brew – it’s a little overwhelming! I’ve been leaning towards the French press method, as I’ve heard that it’s the choice of coffee aficionados. Also, the French press above from Anthropologie would look pretty sitting on my countertop, and let’s be real, that’s an important factor 🙂 
I haven’t even used my drip coffeemaker in forever, because of my obsession with cold-brewed coffee (specifically Grady’s, as I wrote about here). However, there are also ways of making cold-brew coffee at home that I’ve yet to explore-either with a cold-brew coffee maker like this one, or just on your own using a pitcher and a big tub, as explained here. If you haven’t tried cold-brew coffee, let me just tell you that it tastes approximately one million times better than regular coffee. Because it’s cold-brewed, instead of heat-brewed, it’s less acidic, less bitter, and much smoother.

On the Williams-Sonoma site, I found this awesome video that de-mystifies the process of using a cold-brew system at home. One benefit of making your own is that you can use organic coffee, which would be fantastic (that’s been my only complaint about Grady’s – not organic). I loved watching this guy make the coffee because it looks crazy easy – basically you pour water on ground coffee…and that’s about it. The only caveat is that it has to sit for twelve hours, but that’s no big deal if you just make it ahead. I’ve yet to try the at home cold-brew system because I just wonder if there will be a big enough difference in quality/taste to justify the effort, but I’m starting to think it might be time to at least try out a French press to really up my coffee game.

How do you guys make coffee at home? Does anyone use a French press, percolator, cold-brew coffeemaker, or some other method? If so I’d LOVE to hear!

First image via, second photograph by me

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  1. I have to say that I am the best coffee addict, in that I can drink any. Although I'm guilty of buying too much from Starbucks on the go, my percolator at home does the trick bc I love it SUPER HOT.
    Your Friend, Jess

    Published 2.3.14 · Reply
    • Yup, I used to be a Starbucks addict too! Like serious addict. That's cool that you like the percolator…my sister had percolator coffee at a friend's house once and said it was completely amazing, so that really put it on my radar. Still considering trying it!

      Published 2.4.14 · Reply
  2. I use a Kurig because I live in a dorm and it's fast and easy. I don't use the K-cups though (too expensive and not that great!) I got a little reusable filter and buy bags of coffee. I would love a french press though! Maybe I will try it next year when I get an apartment.


    Published 2.3.14 · Reply
    • I didn't even know that you could use a Kurig without the K cups! That's a really good idea.

      Published 2.4.14 · Reply
  3. We're not coffee drinkers, but we French press our team and it's pretty awesome.

    Published 2.3.14 · Reply
    • Oh, cool! I did not know that you could French press tea but that makes sense. Great idea!

      Published 2.4.14 · Reply
  4. LOVE this French Press!!! I do this only on the weekends, since I hardly have any time during the week!


    Published 2.3.14 · Reply
    • That's been a big part of my hesitation to get a French press, the fact that it takes time in the morning…whereas the drip coffeemaker you just press a button and go. Good idea to use it on the weekends though, makes it like a special treat!

      Published 2.4.14 · Reply
  5. Liz Davis wrote:

    I got a Bialetti Moka Express (percolator) a couple of years ago for Christmas and have never looked back. It makes AMAZING coffee in just a few minutes. The only thing is I have the 1 cup size which is great for most days but when I have company I have to bring out the old drip coffee maker. It's kind of a bummer since the coffee out of the bialetti is so much better.

    Published 2.3.14 · Reply
    • That's so interesting! Do they make bigger percolators, that could serve a crowd? My sister said percolator coffee that her friend made one time was incredible, so that's why I've been torn between that and the French press! Maybe the percolator is the way to go…a one cup size would be great for me most mornings.

      Published 2.4.14 · Reply
  6. This French Press is adorable! I totally wish they allowed coffee makers in our dorms!
    xo Tia |

    Published 2.3.14 · Reply
  7. Chantelle wrote:

    I don't drink coffee, but that french press is freakin' gorgeous. Although I may try this 'cold brew' technique you speak of, since I really dislike the bitter taste of coffee.

    Published 2.3.14 · Reply
    • Yes, try cold-brew! I really can't recommend it enough, it is like a whole different drink…so much tastier. I really can't even drink my drip coffee anymore, which I used to drink daily.

      Published 2.4.14 · Reply
  8. Hunter wrote:

    My friend uses a french press and she loves it! I think they work really well!

    Prep on a Budget

    Published 2.3.14 · Reply
  9. Holly wrote:

    We hardly ever used our coffee pot, and when I completely shattered it we didn't really miss it. But recently, we got one of those funnels that let's you filter your coffee directly into your mug. It's pretty great for just the two of us 🙂 but not as pretty as that French press!

    Published 2.4.14 · Reply
    • Wow, I've never even heard of that method! So many different techniques. That one sounds so cool (and simple).

      Published 2.4.14 · Reply
  10. I honestly had no idea there were so many different ways to make coffee! When I used to drink it I would just use a keurig b/c it was so easy, but my husband (who's actually a coffee drinker) loves his french press. That one from Anthro is so pretty!

    Published 2.4.14 · Reply
    • Isn't it? I think I might need it if I'm going to try the French press method! A lot of people seem to recommend it so I might go for it. Thanks Elle!

      Published 2.4.14 · Reply
  11. No, I haven't tried Blue Bottle but it sounds very familiar! I'll have to look for it. The convenience of the Keurig is definitely a selling point. That's why I've stuck with drip coffee for so long-press one button and you're good to go!

    Published 2.4.14 · Reply
  12. Anne wrote:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

    Published 2.9.14 · Reply
  13. Anne wrote:

    I am a SUPER coffee addict, and I have tried EVERY method imaginable (no joke…. everything listed in this post I have done…) and I have to say that the Toddy cold brew system you linked is AMAZING!! It makes iced coffee so easy and it pays for itself in no time! For hot coffee I am all about my french press! Prior to getting the Toddy I even cold brewed in my french press (just use cold water and let it brew overnight). A french press is a must have, and if you can swing it – get the toddy too! You will never look back!!

    Published 2.9.14 · Reply